Saturday 31 July 2010

I've dismantled the deck crane on the foredeck, to allow dad to work on the deck that it sits on. It's mounting holes have let rain water in, so we've got some repairs to do before I can glue the plywood over the fore deck.
I also put something together today! on the port side deck I've screwed and glued some 1" thick pieces of iroko to create a gap for water to drain under the guard rail.

Saturday 24 July 2010


We've been busy this week, the deck on the port side has been sanded, caulked, covered in plywood, then sheathed with epoxy!

I had to remove the guard rail to do the work, i'll re-fit it when we've finished though.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

carry on caulking!

I've just taken monday off, to get some work done on the boat. I managed to sand and caulk the port side deck as far as the front of the wheel house.
First you hammer caulking cotton into the seam before covering it with sealing compound to finish the job.
Now I'm ready to put some more plywood onto the deck :)

Sunday 11 July 2010

working on the decks

I've been taking advantage of the sunny weather, and have been getting the decks sorted out :) I started at the aft end on the port side, and stripped the canvas off during the week, so it had some time to dry out before I re caulked the seams, and covered it with plywood to make it weatherproof once more!

On Saturday I sanded the planks , and caulked (sealed) the gaps between them

Today we fitted the first 12' of plywood to the deck.

On the left is the new plywood, centre is the sanded and caulked deck, and on the right is some flaky old canvas (which I've now removed)

Saturday 3 July 2010

hot work

We've been mostly working on the foredeck today, I unbolted the steel knees from the starboard side so the plywood can go under them. It's amazing that you can work up a sweat swinging a hammer. Then I varnished the new wood in the aft cabin.
Dad has been busy getting the deck sorted