Saturday 21 August 2010

we've been working on the starboard side deck (that's the right side) Luckily it's in much better condition than the port side.
I've replaced a piece of timber under the deck, the end of the beam which runs under the windows had rotten away, where it met the large beam (which we also had to replace)

Dad has been working on the deck as well, here he is ripping off the old canvas

Sunday 15 August 2010

We've made a lot of progress this week, we've fitted new timber under the port side deck, which joins the piece fitted last week, here it is clamped up while the glue cures:Putting that timber in place allowed me to carry on gluing plywood on top of the deck (it feels much more rigid now)

We made it all the way to the bow! cause for celebration :)

Sunday 8 August 2010

It feels like we've rebuilt the front of the boat! we've just fitted the next piece of the jigsaw.
Here we are halfway through fitting the new beam to support the aft end of the foredeck, propped in place to check the fit

and here it is in place, it's a 4" square piece of sapele which goes the full width of the deck, and joins to the piece we fitted yesterday.
After getting it in place we sat down in the sunshine with a beer to celebrate :)

Saturday 7 August 2010

As the weather has turned a bit damp, we've been working inside this last few days.
We've just fitted a new piece of timber under the foredeck, which had been removed for some bizarre reason by the previous owner!

Sunday 1 August 2010

Once I'd found my keys in the bottom of my bag (don't laugh, I cycled across Southampton looking for them this morning!) I sanded and painted the port side deck with grey non slip deck paint.
Then I removed the mountings for the deck crane, which were welded onto the roof of the forward cabin. luckily it didn't put up much of a fight.This cleared the deck ready for dad to replace a botched repair job underneath.
After a tea break I fitted a new section of wood below the window in the galley, as I've done in the aft cabin.