Sunday 31 October 2010

My friend Tom came to help this weekend. Tom has been sorting out the muddle of wires behind the instrument panel. In between the rain showers, we managed to fit the triangular section pieces of wood that cover the joint between the cabin and the deck.
Tom even got a pic of me working!

Monday 25 October 2010

I've been a bit busy this week, so I'm late updating here!
At the weekend I re fitted the anchor windlass to the foredeck which involved cutting the 3" hole for the chain to pass through the deck and supporting timber

I've also been working on replacing the timber by the door to the engine room, but I haven't got any decent pictures yet!

Sunday 17 October 2010

working under cover

This weekend I've been working on the foredeck, On Saturday trial fitted the new Knees (angled brackets) that I made last week.

Today I painted the last parts of the deck both sides and up to the bow :)

Here's the port side in, finally with deck paint!
And here is the bow, the holes are for the anchor windlass and samson post which I will re-fit soon

Sunday 10 October 2010

I finally got a pic of last weekends work! here is the starboard side with the cover removed, and freshly painted guard rail

And here's dad painting the wheelhouse roof!
This weekend I've been epoxy coating the plywood on the rest of the deck, under the cover. It was dark by the time I'd finished today, so I'll have to take pics another day

Monday 4 October 2010

Sunday was too wet to do much on the outside of the boat, so we've did some more woodwork on the inside.
This evening I put the second coat of paint on the deck, so the cover will be coming off the side of the boat later this week :)
I'll get some decent pictures of what we've been up to when it's daylight and not raining

Saturday 2 October 2010

we're getting there! I've just painted the starboard side deck as far as the wheel house door

last week I managed to glue the blocks of wood in place dafor the guard rail, which Dad has been painting