Sunday 21 November 2010

brightening up the bilges

This week we've started cleaning up the bilges, It's going to be a long job (52 feet long to be precise) The first cabin has been stripped completely the beds, floor boards and ballast have all been moved out the way. Myself, Dad, Juan and Neil have all had a go at the first section.

There was some wood work needed, I had to replace 7 feet of the second stringer,
(the new bit of wood in the picture) and Dad fixed a broken rib.

Today (sunday) I put the first coat of paint on the parts we've cleaned. Meanwhile Dad has rigged a cover over the stern, and started sorting out the woodwork there. You can just see the blue cover at the back of the boat.
If you need translation, here's a link to the past:

Sunday 14 November 2010

wet weekend

This weekend has been spent either putting paint on, or scraping it off!
We have scraped and then primed the inside of the hull in the foward cabin, then lifted the floor boards and started cleaning the bilge.
here is a pic, halfway through scraping off 50 years of paintAnd here is Juan painting a section of the hull near the stairs

Sunday 7 November 2010

Off with the cover!

Now I've got the fittings back on the deck, I've removed the cover from the front of the boat. The next step is to re paint the guard rails

We've also been busy inside, it's not just the outside that needs painting!
this pic shows the underside of the starboard side deck, where I have just fitted a new piece of threaded rod. These rods tie the deck beams together