Sunday 22 May 2011

This weekend we've been carrying on the work at the stern. We spent most of Saturday fitting the large bolts that hold the new wood to the rest of the boat.
I managed to give it all a coat of grey primer before heading to the pub :)

Dad had been working away under the cover sorting out the inside of the hull ready to paint it. The next job for me will be to fit plugs into the line of holes you can see,
to cover the heads of the bolts.

Saturday 14 May 2011

repairing the stern

We've spent today fitting two new planks to the transom (the flat bit at the back of the boat) Dad had cleared away the old timber over the last few weeks.
This morning we removed the rudder guard, and the thick aluminium plate which had been fitted to cover up the horrors that lay beneath. I came very close to going swimming as I balanced the heavy metalwork on the dinghy and floated it over to the pontoon.
In the photo I'm checking the fit of the first plank, the transom is made up of two layers, each 2 1/2 inches thick!