Sunday 27 November 2011

Whilst we had some nice dry days, I've fitted the repaired bulwark on the starboard side, (The light grey bit in front of me) and today I fitted the chunk of wood that protects the corner of the hull. (the black bit in my hand)
During the evenings, I've removed the old galley completely, and re-worked the plumbing to get it out of our way.

Sunday 13 November 2011

out with the old :)

We've been repairing the old bulwark from the starboard side of the aft deck,
(the bit of wood that extends the side of the boat upwards to keep the waves out)
you can see the new peices of wood I've glued in place in this pic:

I've also started dismantling the old galley (kitchen) to make room for the new heads (toilet) I've moved the cooker to the new galley (just out of shot in the second pic)

Sunday 6 November 2011

I'm ready to move the cooker into the new galley, it will go in the space at the end of the worktop. the stripy white square is the stainless steel splash-back/heat shield to protect the wood from all the heat and low flying food. this evening I fitted the small door to the cupboard under the cooker.

We've also been working on the aft deck while the weather is good. We've been doing the fiddly bits of woodwork to cover the exposed structure on the insides of the hull with plywood. It's a lot easier to explain with a few pictures, but it was dark when I finished, so there's no pictures i'm afraid :(