Saturday 19 May 2012

I've been working on the new bathroom (heads) as well as the deck at the stern. The remains of the old galley is gone, stripped back to the insulation the previous owner fitted to the bulkhead. in the picture you can see a zig zag rad line, which is the level of the deck in the old wheel house.
I've placed the loo in the corner to see how it fits, the shower is taking shape to the left.

Monday 7 May 2012

It's nice to be putting stuff together again :)
This weekend I've been making the frames for the lockers under the side decks.
I've used iroko, so I can varnish it, and have some wood son show to contrast with the painted decks.
Meanwhile, back in the workshop Dad is making a wooded grating for the shower tray, so there will be something to stand on

Wednesday 25 April 2012

another overdue update

I've been working away on Mudlark, just not doing so much to the blog!
I've extended the side decks all the way to the stern, using epoxy sheathed plywood. The idea is to provide some seating for those sunset drinks :) and storage space on the aft deck. I will panel in the open side to make a couple of lockers. Hopefully the covers will be off in time for summer.

Below deck I have started building the heads (bathroom) I've made the shower tray, and got the door frame in place, so it's starting to look like a bathroom now

Sunday 4 March 2012

overdue update!

I haven't found the time to update this blog for a while, but I have still been getting on with Mudlark :)
The second water tank (port side) is now in place, in what will become the heads (bathroom)
I've finished the woodwork behind the tank, and painted it, which turned out to be a longer job than I'd first thought.

The current work in progress is to clean the bilges under the future bathroom

Wednesday 1 February 2012

It seems like this year is running away faster than ever!
In the last few weeks, we've done lot of work though :)

I fitted new wood below the windows on the port side of the old galley, which will soon become the new heads (bathroom)

Then we painted the inside of the hull that Dad cleaned up before christmas.
Its in grey primer at the moment, soon to be white like the rest. One of the next jobs will be to tidy up the messy wiring in this area

Meanwhile Juan put a coat of varnish on the seat bases in the new galley. There will be a table between them.

Saturday 14 January 2012

We're back to work, after the festivities, I've replaced a section of the gunwale (the upper edge of the hull) on the port side. It's the odd coloured section, halfway along the side of the boat, painted in grey primer.
It is a 6"x3" piece of timber runs along the edge of the deck, and takes all of life's knocks and scrapes, I've replaced this bit because it had been badly repaired, and I'm about to fit the second water tank, blocking access to the its fixings.
Dad has come to help this weekend, and has been sanding and painting the sides of the aft deck.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy new year

I've been a bit busy recently, but I have been chipping away in between the mince pies.
Having removed the old galley, I've been sorting out the woodwork that was behind the fridge. The timber where the hull meets the deck needed a section replacing, In the first picture I've cut it out ready to put in new wood

And here's the new wood in position