Friday 31 December 2010

back on an even keel

I've been a bit lazy with the updates recently, here's a summary of what we've done
I've fitted one of the new pair of water tanks, the picture shows the freshly painted frame in which it is now sitting. Mudlark had one large tank (200 gallon) on the starboard side, so she lent one to one side with it full, and the other with it empty!
I've had two tanks made, one for each side so she will be better balanced

We've given the aft cabin a clean, and I've scraped and painted the underside of the deck. which will stop the flakes of paint falling in the bunk below :)

Dad has been scraping away at the next section of the forward cabin, I tried to get an action shot, but the light was poor.

Happy new year :)

Saturday 25 December 2010

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas :)
I invited my My parents and a couple of friends to have dinner on-board Mudlark
My mother did most of the cooking, so I've had a relaxing day :)
Here we are sat round the table

Sunday 12 December 2010

mince pies

This weekend I've been mostly eating mince pies :)
I invited friends over for mulled wine and mince pies, as well as the grand tour
Tom and Fi gave me a hand to tidy the tools away, and put a new cover over the stern, the old one has far too many holes which let the rain pass straight through it!
I've moved the "workshop" into the front cabin so we can lift the floor boards and clean the next section of the bilges

Saturday 4 December 2010

I've shaken the snow off the covers, and everything is thawing out :)
This afternoon I fitted a metal plate to close the hole where the chimney for the stove leaves the cabin. Luckily I managed to find some bits of metal the right size at work :)

Then I cleaned the ballast and put it back in the bilges of the forward cabin the small weights are around 50lbs each. I put the floor boards back in place after I took the picture.