Friday 31 December 2010

back on an even keel

I've been a bit lazy with the updates recently, here's a summary of what we've done
I've fitted one of the new pair of water tanks, the picture shows the freshly painted frame in which it is now sitting. Mudlark had one large tank (200 gallon) on the starboard side, so she lent one to one side with it full, and the other with it empty!
I've had two tanks made, one for each side so she will be better balanced

We've given the aft cabin a clean, and I've scraped and painted the underside of the deck. which will stop the flakes of paint falling in the bunk below :)

Dad has been scraping away at the next section of the forward cabin, I tried to get an action shot, but the light was poor.

Happy new year :)

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